
The increasing number of people travelling on Dart and Commuter train services has meant a lack of seats being made available for those with mobility issues. So to influence a positive change in behaviour, I wanted to speak to commuters in a distinctly recognisable and memorable way.
In the average Irish household, the mother is the guardian of etiquette, the one who’ll reprimand us for not minding our manners. Because of this, the shame of a telling-off can be almost unbearable, reminding us that we should know better.
Copywriter, tea enthusiast and lover of books, Gráinne wants to live in a world where it’s acceptable to communicate primarily in song lyrics. Having graduated with a degree in English, she completed various editorial internships before embarking on her advertising career. When she’s not scribbling away on whatever bits of paper are stuffed in her bag, you can find her practicing the ukulele, running around with her dog Alfie, or planning her next big adventure.