Emma Collins | Advertising
To whom it may concern,
I hope that this little outpouring of my imagination finds you well. Somewhere on this website (above or below I’m not too sure) you will find three projects that I have had the privilege of working on as part of UPSTARTS 2022.
Before I give you some insight into my projects here is a little bit about me:
My name is Emma, I am originally from Tipperary but have lived in Dublin for as long as it takes to develop a slight Dublin twang when I say specific vowels but not long enough as I still struggle with my “th’s” so that’s about 6 years. One day I hope to work as an Art Director – or maybe a Copywriter – I still haven’t made up my mind and I’m sure you’ll be able to see that in my work.
Outside of the hours of 9-5 (or sometimes within but don’t tell my boss) I can be found drawing, reading or writing. I have an adoration for all things Pop Culture and love to ride my bike in the rain.
Thank you for your patience, please let me know if you have any queries
Kind regards,
Project 1 | Out of the Lab, on to the Grill
All we ever want is to make those we love proud. For this campaign I have decided to tap into this deep human need when targeting those who love and care for the environment. This campaign allows Mother Nature to speak for herself by telling those who love it that they can help protect it, by choosing lab-grown meat. This campaign will utilize the striking natural phenomena of Mother Nature to thank customers for their decision to consume lab-grown meat.
When we received this brief, there were two main elements that really caught my eye. The first being the idea that you can’t see autism. This of course got me thinking about invisibility and I realized that if I could have any superpower in the whole world it would be invisibility. I then began to wonder how many other people in the world would like to be invisible and I went to Mr Google to check this out and a list appeared outlining the most common superpowers that people wish they had. It was when I was reading this list that I realized that a lot of the superpowers that people wished they had that people with autism spectrum disorder or ASD have in abundance; enhanced Senses, super intelligence, observational skills and deep focus. And it was when I was reading this list that I began to realize that this was just the beginning. There were so many similarities between Superheroes and Autistic people. The aim of this campaign is two fold. It has been created to empower those with autism to see their abilities as superpowers in fun and emotive ways and to highlight to those who don’t know someone with autism the battles that those with ASD face daily.
When I first read the brief for this ad, the two main elements that really grabbed me were the ideas of “Bold” and “Irish” Flavor and then the next thing that caught my eye was that fact that Chef ads thus far with Paul McGrath have never really targeted young single people but instead have focused on parents and families. So I started to do some research on this group in Ireland and found some really interesting facts. One of which was that Post Pandemic singles – predominantly aged between 25-30 are now more desperate than ever to find love and that matchmakers nationwide have seen a 300% increase in inquiries as people are struggling with dating during and post Covid. So this got me thinking again about how we could position ourselves towards these young people and I realized that in Ireland there is nothing more bold that than getting a little saucy and sexy so why don’t we try to become the Sauciest Ketchup on the Market. Which brings me to my campaign which is called – the Saucy Side of Life. This lighthearted and mischievous campaign focuses on bringing the boldness of the Chef Ketchup Flavor to life by creating a saucy campaign aimed at young single people in Ireland.