
ICAD Upstarts 2019

Upstarts is a mentorship programme run by ICAD which introduces young creatives to the industry, pairing participants with mentors, setting briefs to develop their thinking and providing exposure to the creative industry.

This social campaign were developed as part of the 2019 brand development and promotion of the event. The brand and the films themselves are designed to reflect the energy and attitude of the programme in 2019.

The concept behind these pieces was grounded in motion, using lateral and vertical movement to reference the nature of the programme, in terms of the exchange of knowledge and information between the studios, agencies, mentors and Upstarts, and also the physical movement of the Upstarts as they move around the city to different studios and agencies. In the final video, this motion matures, using the work developed by the Upstarts over the course of the programme, and animating it so that is dances around the screen in celebration of their completing the programme.

Sound is a key element of these films, initially referencing the chatter we hoped to illicit amongst the industry as we launched the new and improved programme, secondly the urgency and alarm entrants would feel as the deadline drew close, and finally the unbridled feeling of celebration of the final exhibition. The sound in these videos were designed to reference the experience relating to each particluar message, from the business and intensity of the 2 month programme, the urgency of a looming deadline and the night itself (always a great night in the industry where creatives can see and enjoy up and coming talent, have a few drinks and socailise with their peers).

Ultimately the purpose of thes series was to get noticed and create interest and excitement, and following record number of participants and a hugely succesful year these videos played their part in achieveing that.