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2018 Upstarts Programme

Congratulations to everyone who was accepted into this year’s programme. It was an extra tough brief so places are perhaps even more well-deserved than usual! The Upstarts are:

Jessie de Boe, Dan Eames, Katherine Finnegan, Alan Hurley, Maria Marks, Alana McDonough, Adam McKiernan, Finn Mullan, Cian O’Connell
Ben Razey, Natasha Reid, Mimi Seery, Luke Talbot, Joanna Zimnoch

Watch this space!

As always, ICAD and the Upstarts are hugely grateful of the workshop hosts and mentors who give so freely of their time and expertise. In 2018, we thank:

Workshop hosts:
Boys & Girls

Avril Delaney, Brian Wright, Chelsea O’Connor, Conor Nolan, Cormac O’Connor, Dave Cowzer, Dylan Cotter, Eoin Conlon, Gary Moylan, Gavin O’Sullivan, Jack Walsh & Jake O’Driscoll, Kate Brangan, Kathryn Wilson, Matt Evans, Rossi McAuley, Sam & Mikey