
Made of Metal ICAD Book

The ICAD book is known as the industry ‘bible’ and in 2009 the tough stance of the Institute in maintaining the value of creativity in a recession is reflected in the title ‘Made of Metal; ICAD Fiftieth Year Awards, 2008’. Designed by Fresh Design and printed by Hudson Killeen, the book commemorated the 50th year celebrations of the Institute and featured 144 pieces of creative work from more than 700 pieces entered into the 2008 ICAD Awards, featuring photography by Matthew Thompson throughout.

With categories varying from Experimental New Media, Identity Suite and Interactive Banners to Radio Commercials, Motion Graphics, Viral Marketing and Websites, 48 of the 144 pieces in the book went on to win a special edition ‘ICAD 50’ bell, made by Cast and sponsored by Newstalk 106-108fm, with 3 Gold Bells in total, 13 silver and 32 bronze.

Among the agencies and studios whose work features in the book are Atelier David Smith, Brando, Cawley Nea\TBWA, Chemistry, Creative Inc, DDFH&B, Irish International BBDO, McCann Erickson, McConnells Interactive, OwensDDB, Publicis QMP, Studio Aad and Zinc.

Speaking about the book launch, President of ICAD, David Joyce said, ‘It’s interesting that our 50th anniversary year should have been so eventful and it is commendable that with so much change forced upon us as an industry, we have risen to the challenge. Many companies and individuals are finding themselves under extraordinary stress. To solve the problems we face takes more than individual action – it takes community action. Through events like this, we are given an opportunity to celebrate the span of creative excellence in our industry and to look at creativity for what it is – a hugely important resource in the Irish economy today.’

‘Made of Metal; ICAD Fiftieth Year Awards, 2008’ was supported by NNI, Newstalk 106-108fm, Fresh Design, Piranha Bar, IAPI, Screen Scene, Hudson Killeen, McNaughton Paper and RTÉ.


Original price was: €40.00.Current price is: €20.00.
