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Living in Limbo

In January 2019 I registered my business as an independent graphic designer. I had worked previously as part of an artist collective. Making the decision to go it alone wasn’t an easy one. The past year has been slow but steady.

Like us all, I had grand plans for 2020 which are now suspended in a strange limbo. Right before this all kicked off I got my studio space in the hope of growing the business, inviting more people into the fold etc. Right now, however, it’s just me and a load of mix-matched old furniture.

I’m not entirely sure what my next move should be. The “I hope you are well & keeping safe” emails, and trying to carry on as normal feels weird. I have contradicting thoughts. On one hand I tell myself to chill and take this time to just be. On the other hand, I’m scared to potentially lose that small bit of momentum that was hard enough to build-up over this past year. It kind of feels like it’s over before it has actually begun.

One thing I’ve figured is that there are many talented people sitting at home right now with time to connect. I reached out to a designer whose work I really respect. I couldn’t believe the lengthy email he wrote me providing invaluable insight, knowledge and the invitation to continue the thread with any questions I might have. He too is sitting at home with all his projects cancelled.

Along with that, I’ve decided to collaborate with friends who are involved in other creative streams to create personal projects together. We never had the time to really sit down and do this before. My hope with this piece is to provide comfort and some sort of reassurance to others who may be in a similar place as me.

Ais Brady studied Advertising & Marketing Communications in TU Dublin and Visual Communications in BCFE. She is now an independent designer working mainly on visual Identity / branding and editorial. Her movie short ‘Shells’ premiered in IndieCork 2019 and also screened in festivals in Lisbon, Berlin and London. Her music video for Irish artist Jape premiered in March 2020 in the National Concert Hall with a live score from Jape as part of the Virgin Media Dublin International Film Festival 2020.