Take Five with...
Jamie Delaney, Director / Film Maker / Photographer
What is the most unusual project you’ve ever worked on?
I have to say it was a improvisation short I was work-shopping recently. The script was set in an actors class about a group of actors in an acting, trippy eh! It got really mental, some of the actors were not used to improving and got quite freaked out as they didn’t know where the improvisation ended and reality started. I even got worried at some points.
Who is your creative hero?
I would have to say Stanley Kubrick, its just the way he treated his subject matter and the tonality and style he brought to all of his movies. He could jump genera and nail each, from horror to sifi to comedy each movie had an underling theme that you can feel joining them together.
What would you do with a spare €100?
Mmmm not sure, maybe a few photo books or a bunch of film.
What piece of work do you wish you had created?
I really wish I had done the video Romain Gavras directed for MIA’s Born Free https://vimeo.com/11219730, its really is a bit of me that one, the subject matter is so on point and suits the track so well… and it got banned!
What’s your soundtrack?
At the moment I’m listening to Mmoths new album Luneworks — a lot… its bloody great when you writing!