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Broadcast Craft Jury

ICAD Awards 2020

Keith Hutchinson

Jury Chariperson

Stone wall building, online book publishing, vegetable cultivating, West-Cork island
hopping, beard growing and cooking up a storm are just some of the things that keep
Keith entertained when he’s not otherwise occupied with advertising.
Born in Saatchi’s Dublin and reared in Irish International he left his agency homes
with the dream of traveling the world, living interesting experiences, finding great
stories and creating strong emotive imagery. Becoming a commercial’s Director has
allowed him to live that dream.
Keith is a strong advocate of the mantra that a good idea can come from anywhere
or anybody. All you have to do is open your ears, open your eyes, empty your mind
of pre-conceived judgements, and let it in.
Keith is Founder, Partner, Director and Executive Creative Producer at H2 Films.


Mary Knox

International Judge

Mary Knox is the founder of Minerva, a management consulting and business development shop that works with both ad agencies and production companies. She has run production and post-production companies in New York City for the past decade plus, producing work for the top ad agencies in the US and working directly with many brands, packaging entire productions from storyboards to delivery. 

Most recently, Mary was executive producer on a campaign extolling wines from the country of Georgia for San Francisco ad agency Odysseus Arms (release date soon). She was executive producer on the original Girl Effect film, for the Nike Foundation, which became an international phenomenon by challenging people to think differently about the contributions women can make to the world. She also led the team that won an Emmy for creating the opening titles to the HBO show, “Bored To Death.”


Sinead Bagnall


Sinead is the Head of Screen Scene’s Commercial Department. Boasting over two decades of experience in Post-Production, Sinead has worked alongside a variety of global directors, creatives & producers. She promotes an excellent standard on picture, sound and vfx work resulting in many awards for her creative team.


Edel Quinn


Edel has been working as an Art Director for over five years working on a broad spectrum of campaigns during her time in In the Company Huskies, Chemistry and most recently Rothco.

Previous to that she worked as a designer. She has graduate and post grad qualifications in film and media, having studied in Dublin and Paris which led to a few years working in TV and film production in a variety of roles across drama and documentary. Involvement in documentary is a continued passion.


Liam Wielopolski


Liam’s career all began in the darkness of an Edit Suite. He then swiftly grew to be a fully-fledged art director and then a creative director within some of South Africa’s top creative hothouses. Now he is responsible for maintaining the high creative bar at Core in Dublin, Ireland. 

Having cut his teeth on global brands such as Guinness, Heineken, Land Rover, Virgin Atlantic Airways and P&G, he is more than ready to once again take on his favourite challenge of building an agency of strong creative thinkers, producing great results with great creative work.

Both in his own right as an art director and as the lead of several creative departments, he has collected an impressive array of Lions, Pencils and statues from international and local award shows. 

In his spare time he likes to chase a little white ball with a big stick around beautifully manicured lawns.
