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Tesco International Women’s Day 2019

Company Rothco
Client Tesco
  • Commended
    4 Change - Creative for Change
Conor Cunniffe
Concept/Art Director
Leonardo Bartoli
Agency Producer
Karina Cotter
Creative Director
Rob Maguire
Account Director
Susan Nelis
Account Manager
Sean Cushen
Diogo Diaz
Project Manager
Catriona Coakley
Greg Callan
Tamara Conyngham
Marketing Manager
Ruarí Twomey
Leib Chigrin
Event Junkies
Aidan Gibson
Studio Director
David Gallagher
Finished Art
Michael Hughes

Conor Cunniffe
Concept/Art Director
Leonardo Bartoli
Agency Producer
Karina Cotter
Creative Director
Rob Maguire
Account Director
Susan Nelis
Account Manager
Sean Cushen
Diogo Diaz
Project Manager
Catriona Coakley
Greg Callan
Tamara Conyngham
Marketing Manager
Ruarí Twomey
Leib Chigrin
Event Junkies
Aidan Gibson
Studio Director
David Gallagher
Finished Art
Michael Hughes

As a company committed to helping the community and having been recently named as one of Ireland’s best workplaces for women, Tesco wanted to do something meaningful on International Women’s Day for their female colleagues and customers. Specifically, they wanted to inspire women, rather than just celebrating them as most brands do. We formed a partnership with the Women’s Museum of Ireland to do just that.

The Women’s Museum of Ireland is dedicated to archiving and celebrating the incredible achievements of Irish women from days gone by, but it only lives online and doesn’t have a brick and mortar home. For International Women’s Day, we partnered with them to turn a museum without a home into the biggest museum in the world, and thus inspire Irish women across the country.

We chose an in-store experience because we knew that on average in Ireland, women over-index as lead shoppers within households. While this is a hangover from outdated gender roles, it also meant we knew that our aisles were the perfect place to inspire Irish women.

Our campaign was activated in every Tesco store across the country. As customers walked through our stores, they also walked through museum exhibitions which told the stories of 6 incredible women from Ireland’s past. The in-store materials that they encountered included custom entrances, museum leaflets, and stories told through POS along each aisle. All of our instore materials also directed you to a custom website that allowed you to navigate the experience and listen along to our audio guides.

All in all, the museum received 463,429 visitors in a single day – an 11% increase in footfall, even though the partnership with the Women’s Museum was not announced until the launch day itself. In the year since, the partnership was extended to over a week, bringing more stories of incredible Irish women to the country and hopefully inspiring Tesco’s next generation of shoppers.