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Sport Ireland

Company Atomic
Client Sport Ireland
  • Commended
    1 Design: Identity & Branding - Logo
Eamonn Hall
Stephen Kiernan
Andrew Duffy
Account Director
Patrick Murphy
Account Director
Trevor Cloak
Eamonn Hall
Stephen Kiernan
Andrew Duffy
Account Director
Patrick Murphy
Account Director
Trevor Cloak

Sport Ireland is a new governing body that brings together the Irish Sports Council, the National Sports Campus Development Authority, the Irish Institute of Sport and Coaching Ireland to form a new, streamlined and dynamic body to drive the future of Irish sport. The design brief was to deliver a brand logo for Sport Ireland representative of all sporting activity in the country and to develop a framework for extending the brand to constituent organisations, facilities and events.
To achieve a broad appeal the logo avoids focusing on any one sport and takes the form of a single letter monogram based on the letter ‘S’. This letter has an inherent sense of movement and connects strongly with the activity of sport; the swirling, interlocking lines are also reminiscent of a traditional Celtic spiral and help reinforce the cultural context of the mark. Finally, the double line makes a visual link to running tracks & pitch marking lines