‘Marathon Man’ was the launch spot for Three’s new ‘Make it count’ platform – a rebrand that celebrates the power of data to connect and make people’s lives better. Three’s USP is ‘All You Can Eat Data’ – the best unlimited data plan in Ireland. However, research suggested that the consumer didn’t truly understand what data was or appreciate its emotional benefit. The task for ‘Marathon Man’ was to demonstrate how seemingly mundane pieces of data like emails, texts and messages can be transformed into something more meaningful, in this case the realization of a lifelong dream. This cinema spot tells the human story of a man who uses data to help his elderly father run a marathon. ‘Marathon Man’ takes what could be considered to be quite cold, obscure and mundane pieces of data and highlights their emotional benefit. ‘Marathon Man’ was carefully crafted and cast to help people understand the human value of data and to encourage them to ‘Make it count’ with Three.