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HerStory Statues

Company The Public House
Client EPIC - The Irish Emigration Museum
  • Commended
    2 Experience - Experiential Campaign
Creative Director
Colin Hart & Jarrod Banadyga
Managing Director
Catriona Campbell
Account Manager
Robyn Claffey
Art Director
Colm MacMathúna
Jack O'Brien
Trevor Nolan
Ronan Jennings
Creative Director
Colin Hart & Jarrod Banadyga
Managing Director
Catriona Campbell
Account Manager
Robyn Claffey
Art Director
Colm MacMathúna
Jack O'Brien
Trevor Nolan
Ronan Jennings

EPIC, The Irsih Emigration Museum, allows people to discover what it really means to be Irish through the stories of Irish emigrants who became scientists, politicians, poets, artists and even outlaws all over the world. However, many significant Irish women have been left out of our history books entirely despite their accomplishments. EPIC partnered with RTE to create an exhibition and 6 part documentary called ‘Herstory’, highlighting the amazing lives of these epic women and the impact they made on the world.

Most of the statues in Ireland are, you guessed it, of men. So to put a spotlight on this imbalance we created a podium for the many important women in Irish history, with the absence of the actual statue speaking volumes. We placed this podium in the always busy O’Connell Street, which is full of statues of famous Irish men, to really drive our point home.

This simple but powerful idea generated earned media, raised awareness of these epic Irish women and drove footfall to the EPIC museum.