Griffith College is a private college with locations in Dublin, Cork & Limerick. The college has a strong level of awareness among the undergraduate audience; however there are a number of negative associations with the college’s offering. As a private institute of education, there is a view among prospective students that the college doesn’t offer the same experience as some of the bigger universities in Ireland.
Atomic were tasked with tackling some of the negative opinions, turning them into positive reasons why you should choose Griffith College for your undergraduate degree. The primary audience for undergraduate courses are 17/18 year old secondary school students; this audience typically has a short attention span and spends a large amount of time actively engaged on YouTube researching their college options.
We created a suite of 4 x 5 second video stings specifically for use on YouTube that highlighted the benefits of going to Griffith College. The stings were designed to seamlessly fit into the prospective students’ browsing behaviour while educating them about Griffith College’s offering.
The videos were served up sequentially, so each time a user came across the creative they learned something new about Griffith College. In total the videos were viewed almost 200,000 times reaching over 130,000 prospective students.