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Fear v’s Courage

Company In the Company of Huskies
Client Allianz p.l.c.
  • Commended
    1 Display: Print, Digital & Experience - Outdoor Campaign
Creative Director
Damian Hanley
Art Director
Nick Kelly
Greg McLoughlin
Agency Producer
Ciarán Walsh
Senior Designer
Nicole McMahon
Emily Blaney
Client Services Director
Sarah Deeny
Senior Account Manager
Kritika Verma
Head of Market Management (Client)
Rob McEvoy
Marketing Communications Manager (Client)
Valerie Hedin
Marketing Communications Executive (Client)
Joseph Campbell
Creative Director
Damian Hanley
Art Director
Nick Kelly
Greg McLoughlin
Agency Producer
Ciarán Walsh
Senior Designer
Nicole McMahon
Emily Blaney
Client Services Director
Sarah Deeny
Senior Account Manager
Kritika Verma
Head of Market Management (Client)
Rob McEvoy
Marketing Communications Manager (Client)
Valerie Hedin
Marketing Communications Executive (Client)
Joseph Campbell

In advance of the launch of our Courage Vs Fear OOH campaign we created a high impact teaser to capture our audience’s attention. These posters were stark Courage Vs Fear scoreboards, they were designed to create a bit of intrigue in high footfall spots around the country, before being replaced by our main poster campaign.