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Design Partners

Company Detail. Design Studio
Client Design Partners
  • Bronze
    6 Design: Digital - Website
Marketing Manager (Client)
Cormac Ó Conaire
Paul McBride
Keith Byrne
Billy Brady
Creative Director
Brian Nolan
Creative Technologist
Naoise Ó Conchubhair
Marketing Manager (Client)
Cormac Ó Conaire
Paul McBride
Keith Byrne
Billy Brady
Creative Director
Brian Nolan
Creative Technologist
Naoise Ó Conchubhair

In 2017 we continued our collaboration with Design Partners – an international multi-disciplinary product design consultancy. Since our initial website design and development the company has divided a single offering into three key sectors Consumer, Professional and Healthcare. Through close collaboration with the Design Partners team we helped them rebuild their website to reflect this change. We divided the site in three, removing the traditional combined ‘work’ page. We also shifted the emphasis from the standard project case study to a more editorial approach, blurring the lines between projects and article/opinion based content. The Ideas section plays a far more central role in the site. Articles and standard projects can now be easily mixed interchangeably across the site, creating an immersive experience, with an emphasis on the Design Partners knowledge leadership. The key to sustaining this editorial approach was to empower the Design Partners team to create rich content independently. To achieve this we developed a sophisticated CMS with an advanced level of customisation and flexibility.
