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Cyclists Always Come Off Worse

Company BBDO Dublin
Client The Road Safety Authority
  • Commended
    3 Radio Advertising - Radio Commercial (over 30 seconds)
Executive Creative Director
Dylan Cotter
Art Director
Clayton Homer
Dillon Elliot
Account Director
Dave Power
Account Manager
Sarah Heffernan
Account Executive
Dan Harnett
Hazel Reed
Digital Producer
Barry O'Sullivan
Interactive Designer
Liam Reeves
Agency Producer
Sinead Farrelly
Communications Manager RSA
Brian Farrell
Higher Executive Officer RSA
Annette Ferguson

Executive Creative Director
Dylan Cotter
Art Director
Clayton Homer
Dillon Elliot
Account Director
Dave Power
Account Manager
Sarah Heffernan
Account Executive
Dan Harnett
Hazel Reed
Digital Producer
Barry O'Sullivan
Interactive Designer
Liam Reeves
Agency Producer
Sinead Farrelly
Communications Manager RSA
Brian Farrell
Higher Executive Officer RSA
Annette Ferguson

In order to improve the safety of cyclists on our roads, the Department of Transport decided to increase the penalty for dangerous overtaking – in particular for drivers who put cyclists at risk.

The Road Safety Authority needed to communicate this increased penalty to drivers. So they used it as an opportunity to remind drivers that no matter how severe the new penalty is, in collisions between a cyclist and a car, the cyclist will pay a heavier price.

In this radio execution, we wanted to provoke a visceral response by juxtaposing the sound of the equipment used to fix a car after a collision with a cyclist, with the noise of the equipment used to fix the cyclist after the same collision.

Cyclists always come off worse.