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Concern Worldwide Annual Report 2015

Company Red Dog
Client Concern
  • Commended
    2 Design: Print - Reports
Catherine Robertson
Creative Director
Paula McEntee
Account Director
Mary Doherty
Catherine Robertson
Creative Director
Paula McEntee
Account Director
Mary Doherty

We have designed the Concern annual report for 18 years now and have begun our 19th. The aim of this report is to clearly communicate the year’s activities to stakeholders, donors and policymakers in a fresh, unique and appropriate way – without being ostentatious. Concern Worldwide always strive to be transparent about their work and how money is spent, so this always plays an important role in how the design is executed. During our initial briefing session we learned about the number of unique, innovative and transformative projects that are ongoing, e.g. their award-winning ebola burial programme, and we had to find a way to make them stand out as special features, while ensuring that all other information in their four programme areas, is presented in an engaging way. This year there was an extra dimension to consider as regulations had changed in the way financial information is presented and this had to be carefully considered in terms of the document structure and flow.
The cover design is always of paramount importance. But to reflect the changes in the financial reporting, we made the financial statements even more accessible by giving them a cover of their own – so essentially, the report has two covers; one which takes you directly to the financial reporting and one that takes you to the front section focusing on their programmes. We designed a special section in the centre of the report, dedicated to a selection of Concern Worldwide’s innovative projects across the world. This was designed with a slightly narrower page width to allow it to stand out from the rest of the report. The fine vertical lines that run through the report are a subtle graphic nod to the notion that all four programme areas (emergencies / livelihoods / health and nutrition / education) are ‘threads’ running through all their projects.