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An Post – Packets and Parcels

Company Target McConnells
Client An Post
  • Commended
    7 Advertising: Craft - Art Direction for Advertising (Single)
Creative Director
Robert Boyle
Senior Art Director
Robert Boyle
Senior Art Director
Monika Crowley
Senior Copywriter
Sinead Kennedy
Broadcast Director
Michael Cullen
Digital Art Director
Paul Molloy
Senior Digital Developer
Eddie Wong
Digital Developer
Mike McMahon
Account Director
Audrey Farrelly
Strategic Planning Director
Dr Kenneth McKenzie
Production Company
Piranha Bar
Gavin Kelly
Dave Burke
Creative Director
Robert Boyle
Senior Art Director
Robert Boyle
Senior Art Director
Monika Crowley
Senior Copywriter
Sinead Kennedy
Broadcast Director
Michael Cullen
Digital Art Director
Paul Molloy
Senior Digital Developer
Eddie Wong
Digital Developer
Mike McMahon
Account Director
Audrey Farrelly
Strategic Planning Director
Dr Kenneth McKenzie
Production Company
Piranha Bar
Gavin Kelly
Dave Burke

Our story takes place in the real world, but it’s a world of heightened reality, where our journey through the potentially dull parcel depot sparkles with shafts of sunshine and dancing light, and the overall grade lends a sense of warmth and magic to each scene. In this fantasy reality, where live action meets 3D, a lot of work went into getting our characters just right. They were chosen and developed to represent a range of industries and objects. The challenge was to generate characters that had distinctive personalities, characters that were not flesh and blood creatures, but instead appeared to be man-made objects. We imbue our main character with a huge range of emotions, without the use of voice or arms, and by endowing our ‘Things’ with feelings, deliveries became stories instead of otherwise cold transactions across an unfeeling network. The result is an ad that has engaged and won the hearts of its (human) audience, leaving people in no doubt that An Post takes great care of their things, making sure they find their new homes – no matter what.