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ADCE Membership

Remember You're a Member

Don’t forget if you have a membership for ICAD, you are entitled to sign up for membership to the ADCE. This gets you visibility on an international level by entering ADCE’s NEW directory of European creative people and allows you to join in a dynamic pan-European community of creatives, sharing knowledge and projects with them.

You can profit from ADCE’s cutting edge educational program, helping you stay professionally updated at all times. Gold winners from the ICAD awards gain free entry to the ADCE Awards, which showcases and elevates European design and communication, recognising the best of the best from all member country work.

By signing up to the ADCE, you will be the first to be informed about the latest design and advertising news and all ADCE activities only for members. You can also get special offers and prices for the Rising Stars educational program, the European Creativity Festival and other services, products and events such as the Sónar+D.

Finally, creatives under 28 can benefit from all ADCE educational programs exclusively designed for young creatives (Creative Express, High Potentials, Greatness Challenge).

Click here to sign up