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ICAD Membership 2020


Throughout 2019 ICAD and its collective boards took a great deal of time to review various fundamental aspects of the Institutes’ work, its programs and offerings. From both the perspective of the ICAD awards and our program work, 2019 was a highly successful year. Specific aspects that directly relate to the financial stability, future and effective running of the Institute were reviewed in detail to ensure our continued relevancy as a representative body for the creative industries, as well as providing our members with greater clarity on what the benefits of ICAD membership bring and the value it provides. As part of this work both the ICAD executive board and management board reviewed and developed our membership structure and offering. As we continue with our goal to further professionalise the Institute, it is of the utmost importance that we continually review all aspects pertaining to it and learn from and incorporate the valued and welcomed feedback of our members.

ICAD has restructured its membership offering in order to; address our constantly evolving industry, acknowledge the highly valued input of larger agencies, studios and businesses and continue to engage the smaller entities and individual practitioners that make up our community. We have developed a membership offering for educational bodies and their staff who practice within the creative industries we represent, either by the work they produce as members of these bodies or through their own practice. Fees and structures have been reviewed and new offerings created to allow for the myriad scales of creative organisations that make up our collective membership. We have also sought to use this as an opportunity to provide a more in-depth and comprehensive overview of what ICAD membership consists of, doing so in an effort to clarify both its value and scope. Commencing in January 2020 ICAD’s annual membership will run for the calendar year. Membership will continue to carry all of its existing benefits as well as eligibility to compete in the annual awards, all of which is outlined in our new membership document which can be downloaded below. Whilst membership can be taken up or renewed at any stage throughout the year, existing members will be contacted at the beginning of each calendar year by ICAD with the option to renew.

As we have stated before, ICAD is so much more than an annual awards program. ICAD is an organisation that continually aspires to Foster, Promote and Reward creative excellence across a diverse platform of programs, initiatives and events, it is an organisation that seeks to harbour and protect our wonderful creative community, an organisation that looks to create a space where that community can exist, where our members regardless of their industry or background can have a voice and be heard. The Institute of Creative Advertising and Design is an organisation run by and for its members and as such it should never be forgotten that it belongs to you. You are its past, its present and its future. Without its membership ICAD simply cannot exist, it cannot Foster, it cannot Promote and it cannot Reward.

Download ICAD 2020 Membership Document